IBF イベント

IBF イベント

Christmas at church

Invite your family and friends to experience an authentic Christmas at church!
IBF イベント

Enjoy Christmas 2019

IBF イベント

(日本語) 韓国サンソン教会日本語チーム31名の訪問

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IBF イベント

Kimchi Seminar

On November 16th and 17th, six people of Kimchi  teams from Korea will visit IBF. Let's welcome them with a pot rack lun...
IBF イベント

Artificial Flower Arrangement 2019W

IBF イベント

Children’s Blessing

We will have Children’s Blessing in our first service next Sunday. Let’s all pray for the blessing for the children.
IBF イベント

Worship services on October 13, 2019

Our Sunday worship services (10:30am and 1:47pm) will be conducted as usual. While trains may not have resumed operat...
IBF イベント

CS Japanese Day (Sept 9, 2019)

The children at Sunday School (CS) previously learned about foreign languages and music from the international students ...
IBF イベント

(日本語) 「黙示録の学び」

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IBF イベント

No Friday service on August 16th.

No other meetings and activities this week because of CRC Camp and the Bon holiday break.