


“The Man Who is Bound in Heart” (Acts 20:22-38)

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“The man who was called the Son of Consolation and Encouragement” Acts 9:26-31.

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” Why are hymns sung in church services?” (Acts 16:19-31)

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“So Ananias went out.” (Act 9:10-19)

(The audio recording of this sermon will be uploaded here after the Sunday service.) ↓Audio link to the sermon:(Sunday w...

“And he fell to the ground” (Acts 9:1-9)

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“We are witnesses of this.” (Acts 3:1-15)

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” Someone who knows everything,” (John 21:15-17)

↓Audio link to the sermon:(Sunday worship recording) (If you can't listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) 15 Whe...

John 21:1-11

Sorry, this post is no translate, only available in Japanese. 1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee...

“Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:24-29)

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“The disciples saw Jesus eating a fish” (Luke 24:33-43).

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