NSKK Events

(日本語) CRCキャンプのご案内(8/14~16)

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For the sake of your name do not despise us (Jeremiah14:21)

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The Purpose of the Christian Life.

The theme of today's message is "The Purpose of the Christian Life."  Actually, I turned 43 years old this year. Some m...

Give glory to the LORD your God. (Jeremiah 13:16)

 ↓Audio link to the sermon:(1st worship recording) (If you can't listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) ...
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(日本語) 恋愛・結婚セミナー_HCT

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(日本語) 7/16 教団伝道セミナー

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Luke7:11-17_Pastor Kitazawa

 ↓Audio link to the sermon:(1st worship recording) (If you can't listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) ...

Listen to the terms of this covenant (Jeremiah11:2)

↓Audio link to the sermon:(1st worship recording) (If you can't listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) S...

Jesus’s Power and Priority (Mark 1:29-2:17)

↓Audio link to the sermon:(1st worship recording) (If you can't listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) In ...

“Let the one who boasts boast about this” (Jeremiah 9:24)

 ↓Audio link to the sermon:(1st worship recording) (If you can't listen on your iPhone, please update your iOS) “B...