Worship Services during State of Emergency (Aug 2021)

From August 8 to September 12, Tokyo and 3 prefectures (Chiba, Shinagawa, and Saitama) have been placed under a state of emergency again.

The IBF board met on July 31 to discuss this new development and how to best conduct our worship services. We decided to continue as before: Sunday morning service will be conducted through Zoom-only (no physical meetings), while Sunday afternoon service is temporarily on hold until September 12 at least.

Friday service will continue to meet physically in August at 11:00am on the 6th, 20th, and 27th (excluding Aug 13th because of Obon holiday). However, for those who normally attend on Fridays, we ask that if possible you participate on Sundays through Zoom. This is to keep numbers small at the physical meeting on Friday. 

Friday services are now also on hold.

The sermons will continue to be uploaded, so you can find them on the church website if you are unable to attend any service. We can also send a printed copy of the sermon to anyone who needs it; please let us know.

As the Covid-19 situation changes, we plan to adapt our church services accordingly. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

IBF Board

August 1, 2021 (updated on Aug 20)
