Pastor's tweets

IBF イベント

Pastoral message (May 10, 2020)

How are you all doing? As of today, we have been on break from regular worship services for over 2 months. Trials such t...
Pastor's tweets

(日本語) メリークリスマス・アンド・ハッピーニューイヤー

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Pastor's tweets

(日本語) インドへの訪問

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Pastor's tweets

(日本語) 着工式2018

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Pastor's tweets

Evangelism through connections

In recent years, I have been serving not only at my church in Matsudo but also at Kuki church in Saitama prefecture. Jus...
Pastor's tweets

Missions and loving one another

My heart is burdened for Okayama and many other areas affected by floods in West Japan. Pastor Ryuji Saito of Kibi Coven...
Pastor's tweets

Seminar for church revitalization

  I never expected to visit the country of Finland, but this year I had an opportunity to do so for the first time. O...
Pastor's tweets

The Heart of a Preacher

When preaching, a pastor shoulders the great responsibility of conveying God’s word, entrusted to him by God. He reflect...
Pastor's tweets

Team Evangelism

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work ...
Pastor's tweets

(日本語) 私の心に神様が特別に語って下さったこと

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