Covid-Omicron update: Changes to IBF services

In response to the spread of Covid-19 Omicron variant, IBF Board made the following decisions at their January meeting:

1) If Chiba prefecture announces a state of emergency, IBF will temporarily cancel physical meetings in the church building.

2)2nd Sunday service (the 1:47pm service) will be temporarily canceled, beginning February 2022. There will still be a physical meeting for 2nd service on January 23 and 30. We decided to suspend 2nd service because of attendance has decreased significantly and lack of volunteers to serve. If you have been joining 2nd service, we hope you will participate in the 1st service (11:00am) through Zoom live-stream instead.

3)As long as a state of emergency is not declared, the following services will continue to meet physically: Sunday 1st service (11:00am-12:00pm) and Friday service (11:00am-12:00pm). We will continue to take precautions to prevent spread of infection. But if you are worried about the risk, please join us online through Zoom on Sunday mornings.

4) In place of 2nd service, we are starting a <strong>new fellowship meeting on Zoom, </strong>every Sunday 1:00pm-2:00pm, beginning February 2022. In general, Pastor Ino and Yayoi-san will facilitate this time fellowship and prayer. But depending on the participants and their interests, we hope that this meeting can divide into smaller groups, such as ladies’ fellowship, men’s fellowship, or youth group. We hope you will join us too.

IBF Board (January 17, 2022)
